Religious Education Plan March 18, 2020

Hello families,
I hope you are all weathering the many changes of this time well, and offering yourself gentleness and care.
The most-asked question this past week from families has been about creating healthy routines.  Routines are important right now to help our children understand that they are safe, secure, and cared for; and for us as caregivers to feel a sense of control during a time of change.  Our own family sat down the other night to create a family schedule.  We discussed how and when we would each be sure to do 3 things every day: learning, exercise, and cleaning.  It wasn’t the easiest of discussions with 3 teenagers who might prefer to treat this as an extended snow day, but we did it – and we went for a family run at Lake Quannapowitt this morning!
We encourage you to visit our website,, our hub  during this time for our latest offerings, and to join our new Facebook page for support during this crisis.
Today I’d like to share with you our new routines for sharing virtual RE with you.
We will be using a new resource, Soul Matters Family Packets.  The Soul Matters program is based on a monthly theme.  For March, it is Wisdom.  Families will get a packet at the beginning of each month that is organized around eight distinct family “spaces” with ideas and resources to fill those spaces with UU theme-based exploration.  The “spaces” include times like meals and bedtime, to use as touchstones and moments of connection to your children and your Unitarian Universalism, as often as you want to use them throughout the month.  Look for your emailed packet soon!
UU Story Time: I have joined a collective of UUs who will be streaming children’s stories during the pandemic, beginning next week. Cuddle up to hear from me and our wonderful RE staff, along with other UUs across the country experiencing the same transition to virtual church.  We invite your family to watch these diverse story readings based on our values and 7 Principles.  UU Story Time will connect our children to the love and care of a community of other UUs virtually, as they watch from any device. 
Youth Check-In: Youth Coordinator Katie Golden and our Youth Advisors will host a weekly meet-up for our middle and high schoolers at noon on Sundays.
Log in here Sunday to share your joys and concerns with our community of youth:
Zoom Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 256 442 156
Password: 188139
Wednesday Night Vespers for Parents & Caregivers:  Every Wednesday at 8pm, I plan to lead a weekly worshipful centering for parents on Zoom, just after bedtime.  We will join in a simple ritual and be able to spend time together as adults.  See the link here Link to Zoom. – Meeting ID: 497 513 684
Password: 158782
or on our website to join!  Please log on at 7:50 if you need an orientation to Zoom.
Soul Matters support: each Sunday, as part of our worship, we will share a Soul Matters story or activity.  We will publish the accompanying family resource packet via email, which will guide families to deeper explorations of the theme if they wish to carry it through their week.  The Soul Matters theme for March is “Wisdom.”

Buddy System:  we’re at work on ways to connect people in the congregation who might be feeling alone – and one of our youth is inspired to help make it happen!  If you and your child(ren) would be willing to reach out to another family or an elder in the church, please look for our forthcoming Buddy System.
Parenting Group: Carrie Fisher has graciously agreed to host Parenting Group every Sunday at 12:30pm for the duration of our virtual experience.  Please join her here:  Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 905 232 031

As an inspiration, she shares her own family’s routine with you all here:
I miss seeing you all in person, and look forward to the day we can be together in a room again!  Until then, I’ll see you on the internet.