Daily Meditation

We will not grow old, not in spirit.  In mind and body, yes, we will age as all things age, all making the pilgrimage through time to find the place of sources.  But in our spirit, no, we will not grow old.  The child that was us will run forever through the fields. The dreams we spun from the fine wool of cloud watching will forever lead us to the next wonder that awaits us.  The love we knew, so quiet, so life giving, will always be there to lift us up and hold us close.  The spirit of life is eternal. It does not diminish. It does not forget.  It does not alter.  The spirit within us is the sum total of our sacred experience.  It is what we were sent here to be and to do.  Our spirit, a soul in transit, has a life outside of time.  It will not grow old because it is on loan from a source more ancient than time itself.   

—  Bishop Steven Charleston
Facebook, June 4, 2021

The Right Rev. Steven Charleston is an Episcopal Bishop, a citizen of the Choctaw Nation, and a Native American elder. He was the national staff officer for Native American ministries in the Episcopal Church and the President of the Episcopal Divinity School, as well as a professor of Theology. He is an author, a speaker and has thousands of people who read his daily meditations on Facebook.