August Soul Matters Theme: Vision

We Come with a Dream

From the Soul Matters Team – Worship Resources – VISION We come bound by the threads of a dream 

Of all walking together side by side,  

none of us above or below 

Less or more or forgotten. 

A dream that more is possible 

even more than we have yet imagined. 

A dream of kindness and connection 

that softens and turns us toward each other with tenderness. 

A dream of courage and commitment 

that will enable us to stay the course  

and admit where we have gone astray. 

May this vision comfort and challenge. 

May it weave us together and never let us go 

until the dream is made real. 

The Soul Matters Sharing Circle LLC is a network of Unitarian Universalist congregations who follow the same monthly themes so they can more easily share small group material, as well as worship, sermon, music and children’s religious education resources. The Soul Matters team provides a web of support and connection, like companions traveling a new journey together each month.